‘’My name is Dylan. 5 years ago, over Christmas 2018, I suffered horrendous postnatal depression and psychosis after the birth of my second child. During my recovery, I started working to improve the healthcare services that looked after me. It started with me as a service user redesigning a leaflet to make it more accessible and easy to understand.
I worked with professionals, who listened to my opinions of the leaflet, its words and pictures as someone who had lived it. I was using my lived experience to help create something that was fit for purpose and would benefit people in the future. This process is called coproduction. This first experience of coproduction felt like it gave me a purpose and something to focus on.
Although my mental illness was the hardest time of my life, I slowly realised that it could be the catalyst for creating positive and long-lasting change to the world around me. It also grew my confidence and gave me vital life skills which got my back on my feet and back earning good money. I have been working in coproduction ever since, and I have seen more and more companies, organisations and businesses looking to coproduce and codesign projects and resources in equal partnership with service users’’
‘’I want to create an easy, user-friendly and accessible platform that connects genuine people with lived experience opportunities that work for them. Whether that’s working from home, being paid in vouchers so that benefits aren’t affected, or just giving a few hours a month to a project. Coproduction work is a legitimate way to earn money and do good in the world for the service users of the future’’
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